El médico cosmetologo Dr. Nick Milojevic comenta al respecto: "Durante un tiempo, Madonna se veía increíble, pero recientemente se ha convertido en una víctima del Look que yo llamo Fake Youth (Juventud Falsa) el cual se obtiene debido a inyectarse demasiado botox... y otros procedimientos."
"Ella se ve muy hinchada, especialmente de las mejillas. Creo que esto se debe a demasiado relleno dérmico o posiblemente transferencia de grasa (mezcla de grasa de otra parte de su cuerpo con células madre que le es inyectada en la cara)".
El cirujano plástico y blogger Dr. Juan Di Saia de San Clemente y Orange, dijo que el desagradable nuevo look de Madonna podría resultar de cargas excesivas o de una operación reciente que está aún en proceso de recuperación.
"Lo curioso es que muchos pacientes piden este Look lleno en exceso," dijo. "En el uso de materiales de relleno, no hay una " medida universal " recomendada. "Muchos médicos usan un poco más que yo. Tal vez a sus clientes les guste ese look. Trato de evitar el Trout Pout y dejarlos con rostros angelicales que el relleno excesivo suele crear. "
Y añadió: "Por otra parte, en el estudio de estas imágenes de Madonna, ella pudo haberse sometido recientemente a una cirugía y la hinchazón aún esta presente en su rostro con miras a desaparecer en unas semanas."
As we had seen Madonna looks swollen and middle-aged, is apparently after a plastic surgeon apparently injected him too botox.El British newspaper The Sun said: "Far from looking fabulous at 52 years, Madge is swollen and looks suspiciously unnatural but spotless. "
The cosmetologist Dr Nick Milojevic doctor comments: "For a time, Madonna was incredible, but recently has become a victim of what I call Fake Look Youth (Youth False) which is obtained due to too much botox injections. .. and other procedures. "
"She looks very swollen, especially the cheeks. I think this is due to dermal filler or possibly too fat transfer (mixture of fat from another part of your body with stem cells that is injected into the face)."
Plastic surgeon and blogger Dr. John Di Saia of San Clemente and Orange, said the new look ugly Madonna could result from excessive loads or a recent operation which is still in recovery.
"The funny thing is that many patients ask for this Look overfilled," he said. "In the use of fillers, there is no" universal as "recommended." Many doctors use a bit more than me. Perhaps his customers like the look. I try to avoid the Trout Pout and leave them with angelic faces often creates excessive filling. "
He added: "Moreover, the study of these images of Madonna, she may have recently undergone surgery and the swelling is still present in his face in order to disappear in a few weeks."